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Introduction to Computer Logic



While everyone knows that computers could be defined as follows:


"Informatics is the science of organization, processing storage and data transmission."

(Jean-Dominique WARNIER 1970)


From this definition, it is easy to think that the first concern that comes to mind is the organization of data (to be treated and treated), a concern that J.D WARNIER has never ceased to highlight throughout his life .


All works of JD WARNIER consistes have simply (so to speak) to discover the logical steps that would find all files (sets) of data (contractors or processed) and their contents, for a defined system in order to obtain the desired output data.


This is summarized in a few lines on why 50 years of hard work!


Obviously somebody could say (excuse this french expression) it to spend its time "a enfiler les mouches"! Nobody expected JDW for programs or create its database. Yes, but what would be comfortable for the mind, to have a tool that would verify our common sense or even better, the tools from this research, allow us:

· To create
        - Clear programs and easily transformable + (zero fault), (LCP)
       - Databases of a clear and easily editable clarity (LCS LCO)
· To express our data requirements of precise and clear manner for all, (LDR)

                                                      · To finally keep the wolf from the door!


But watch all this is possible only if you accept this from Axiom:

Any data collection must be considered as a wholein the mathematical sense

                                         A set in the mathematical sense is defined as either:


- By understanding, ie by making a comprehensive list of all the properties that must hold for any element belonging to the set.


- By extension, ie by making a list of all the items in the set.


In case you do not accept this axiom, then do not continue, you will lose your time !!!

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