La logique informatique
(selon les travaux de J.D WARNIER)
L.C.O The organization of companies
Data sets of a step :
There are as many logical bases as there are steps, more one !
We must first define the client (s), then the supplier (s), after which we must define the product catalog, and finally the order and delivery sets.
We know that for a step there must always be :
- At least one set of suppliers,
- A set of clients, (Identifying the step)
- A set of products,
- A set of orders and / or a delivery set.
Study of the data set of the logical base corresponding to STORE step.
Here is the schematic of the order and delivery flows:
The shop orders the parts to purchases and the shipping of spare parts to the agencies.
The store receives the parts delivered by the external suppliers.
Please note that the parts in the catalog are intended for manufacture and customer maintenance.
Here is the data model for this step STORE
third parties
Order relationship
Relationship delivery
We are not going to list all the definitions by understanding for all the sets of the model, but know that it is imperative to do it in the most precise way possible, so that you can then establish the relationships Between them.
You will then note the nature of each relationship (Injective, Bijective, surjective or any).
However, in order to image an interesting anecdote, we are going to define the file (Primary Logic) "Parts Shipment orders".
Definition in comprehension of the set "shipping orders" :
One element of the set, is an shipping order of spare parts for one agency and only one.