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L.C.P        Logic of Programs construction

The Logical Output File (F.L.S) of a program.

Here's the right solution :

The hierarchical data sets to be obtained

In what form

In a hierarchical subdivision, on the left side of the bracket, we will note the repository of the data set (its definition by comprehension), on the right, its contents, either present data (1 time) or other subsets present (N) times or (0-1) times, and all this in the order of appearance on the output model (top to bottom and left to right ! )

In order to carry out a hierarchical subdivision,
Of course,it is necessary to have a rule of subdivision !

Here is the subdivision rule for the F.L.S hierarchical subdivision :

One subdivides a set
If it includes Sub-Sets present a number of times different from 1.

The mathematical rules governing a hierarchical subdivision ---->

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