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L.C.S              organizing data in a computer system

Discover the contents of each Primary Logical File.

another table you may say ! Yes, we have not yet found a better tool to materialize the correspondence between two objects.
Here is an example of a table illustrating the membership of External Movements (Contents) from the L.D.R study, And F.L.P (Containers) of the bases studied in L.C.S.

You will notice that a topic (primary) can belong to several files, that is the case of the Command Nr that happens to be the identifier of the Commands (70-70) and Application Criteria file in the command line file (70 -75).
The same applies to the unit price of the product which is in the Product file (70-65) and in the order line (70-75) insofar as it is the unit price of the product at a time T which Is to be kept in the command line (the unit price of the product can evolve in time !)

It is at this moment that it is important to ask the right questions, "Is such a primary datum really part of the image, of such an object ?" Or in other words, does this data field belong to that particular file ?
You will see that the answer is not as obvious as it seems, let's take the example of the country, and ask the question, is that the country name, is a part of the image of the object Customer ?
The answer is necessarily
NO, The name of a country is not a part of the image of the real world object COUNTRY ! You follow me ?

In fact there is a catalog (a set) of the countries of the world, consequently we could consider that the data field COUNTRY  (which is a part of the image that one wishes on a client) could be a criterion of application in a catalog of countries of the world.
It is then up to us to decide whether or not it is interesting to create other sets in our system. I would not teach you the advantages of creating such a catalog (modification Of data at one place and one only, obtaining statistical results greatly facilitated, etc ...). Let us take the case of product categories, the decision to create this catalog may have been taken simply for obtaining statistical data or because, in each category, we wanted to associate data such as a particular taxes rate per category, or Adequate transport costs, etc ...

Here we have created our database, it's beautiful no ? And this simply by having defined containers (sets) following the study of the activity of the company on the one hand, and the data necessary to store following the study of the outputs requested !

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