La logique informatique
(selon les travaux de J.D WARNIER)
L.C.S organizing data in a computer system
Organization of the dataset "B" of the company .
The first two levels of subdivision are imposed: At the first level the whole is subdivided according to category of third parties in relation with the company (Customers and Suppliers), at the second level, the subdivision is carried out taking into account the membership or not, third parties to the company.
These are the first two levels of the organization of the data of the set B (Image of the activity of the company).
Let us remind you that the hierarchical subdivision used, will enable us, From the definition in comprehension of the set B (Repository of the studied company), to obtain the definition in extension of the latter, ie the exhaustive list of all data containers (Primary Logical Files).

The last level of subdivision (Level 3) does not have a subdivision criterion imposed. It is up to you to decide whether or not to subdivide according to the following decision aid.
Each of the four sub-sets obtained is subdivided according to the difference in nature between the persons of the third parties, the nature of their exchanges with the company and the nature of objets exchanged.
This is certainly the most difficult level of subdivision, since determining whether or not there is a difference of an essential nature between persons, exchanges or objects can, in some cases, lead to long and tedious discussions. For this reason, it is often preferable not to subdivide too much, it will always be possible during the study to redefine the set of logical bases thus defined at level 3.
Let us take an example to highlight this criterion of subdivision:
Let us take the case of all the internal suppliers of a company, generally speaking, there is, on the one hand, the staff itself which is a supplier of work and, on the other hand, the departments that provide services to the enterprise, It is easy to see that in all the departments, the products exchanged with the company are completely different, some departments provide services of an administrative nature while others provide products (production departments) . In this case, it may be justified that there is a difference of an essential nature between the person and the third parties as regards the staff and the departments of the undertaking, just as there is a difference on the products exchanged with the company, and administrative departments and those of production.
In this case, the following subdivision is used