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L.C.P        Logic of Programs construction

The "complex" structures of programs

We have just seen the two simple structures, the repetitive and the alternative, we shall now examine the sets of complex structure which are three in number :

   - "Repetitive" complex structure,
   - "Alternative" complex structure,
   - Mixed complex structure.

A complex structure data set is a set in which at the first subdivision level there are several alternative or repetitive elementary structures.

Rule :

In the case of complex structures, the END sequence of the first elementary structure is immediately followed by the START sequence of the following elementary structure.

These two sequences constitute a single logical sequence to which we will give the name of "intermediary".


"Repetitive" complex structure :

A repetitive complex structure data set is a set in which at the first subdivision level several repetitive elementary structures are encountered.

Take as an example a print report (or any other support !) On which we want to display the set of orders and all the invoices relating to each customer. We will now ignore the print model, or screen models .... the F.L.S will suffice !

Ancre 1

A little lexicon French ---> English !


Nr  = Number

Nom = Name

Cde = Order

Montant = Amount

Facture = bill

Une = one

             thank you for learning French!....

A quick reminder :

A repetitive structure of data at the input = a repetitive structure of the program !

I suggest you try to make the hierarchical diagram of the program, and if you have the courage, the organizational chart !

To check your solution,

You succeeded ? ............. If so good job ! We will move on to the mixed complex structure.

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