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L.C.O             The organization of companies

The company "production system".

The system  emphasizes the primacy of production. The company has means, transforms these means to elaborate the products that one finds at the exit:

The products must have a destination, the CUSTOMERS !. The means are obtained from SUPPLIERS.

Men are at the origin of the means and the end of production. They are also designers, creators and pilots. If we open the "Company" box, we can distinguish two subsets in the system:

- The pilot unit, made up of the men who animate the production unit.
- The processing system that modifies the elements contributed by the suppliers to develop products offered to customers.

The dotted arrows diagram the commands sent by the pilot unit to the transformation system and the information supplied by the transformation system to the pilot unit. The Arrows                          the production flow.

We shall now see how JD WARNIER studies the organization of the enterprise as a production system. First, we will define what a production flow is.

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