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Here is a block diagram of a computer system

and data sets needed for its operation

How it works ?

- The outer movements are monitored and treated by the programs to update the database (primary *) of the computer system.

- The  database (primary *) contains all the necessary data to obtain the required outputs.

- Programs (treating data) use the database to obtain the output data.

(*) The database contains only data tell "Primary" in other words, only updated from external movements. In no event it is here to talk about secondary data (generated by the system itself) to the extent that these are (in pure logic) completely useless for obtaining the output, in any case, all output perhaps  regenerated with the primary data base. Secondary data are useful only for technical problems related to computer performance, it will be the technicians problem to determine whether or not there is place to keep some secondary data in the system.

This remark is extremely important, because what matters to us is to organize the necessary data and strictly necessary to achieve the outputs and more, this prevents us from polluting our minds with useless data at this stage of the study.

Let's see how J.D WARNIER did to address the problem of organizing all these data sets, because we are all agree!, Any set of data must be organized as soon as one wishes to use them  reliable and efficient way!

(Post-scriptum, the not organization of the systeme is an organization "of course", provided it is decided well !!)

If everything is clear to you, and you are still motivated!

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