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If I look back my career, I realize that there is a person to whom I owe a lot and definitely allowed me to live exceptional moments, it is Mr Jean-Dominique WARNIER (with whom I have had the chance to work). It is through the work that I have (like many others) take a real pleasure to make my computer business.


For this reason and noting its work on computer logic fell into total oblivion, and to thank this great man, I decided to create this site dedicated to all of his works.


I go through the pages of this paper bring out (as best as I can) the basic concepts of computer logic on the one hand and developing the principles of the organization:
- Data to be obtained (LDR)
- Data to be processed (LCS)
- Program instructions (LCP)
And I would end with a reflection on his last works (LCO) Organizations of design logic.


Through this website, allow me to launch a cry of alarm. How is it possible that no more training center (to my knowledge) today teaches the theories of such importance!


I hope finally that these few pages will allow some of you if not to discover, at least, to strengthen their knowledge in Computer Logic.


I would not forget a few friends and colleagues without whom this was would have been!
- Pierre PETIT
- Leon LEVY
- Alain BRIDAY ..... and others I forget


PS: Your encouragement and comments will be most useful to me


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