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L.C.S              organizing data in a computer system

Before working on the organization of system data, which consists of discovering all the data containers (the contents was discovered during the LDR study), it is necessary to understand why JD WARNIER decide to declare that the company is still considered the second third of any exchange.

When we look closely at the relationships between the various third parties (whether internal or external to the company), we can see that these can be extremely complex.

For example, each internal section may be client of external suppliers and provider of external customers, as each section may be provider of sections considered as clients and vice versa !.

Let us take this example of internal sections that can be clients and suppliers and let's examine the relationships that may exist.

let's take the set F of the data concerning the sections considered as suppliers, such as:

F = {a1, b1, c1, d1}

Let's take the set C of the data concerning the sections considered as clients such as:

C = {a2, b2, c2, d2}

Here is the correspondence diagram for the following law : a supplier section corresponds to a customer section if it is likely to provide it with products or services.

The figure above shows, if necessary, the complexity of this correspondence.

To solve the problem posed, one has to find the mathematics application : (Two sets are in application to each other, if to every element of the set taken as starting set, corresponds one and only one element in The arrival set) between the sets.

The solution consists in bringing in a new set: The company considered as a set with only one element !

To add a little water to our mill, we can just as much consider that each section can be a customer of external suppliers, and supplier of external customers !

This is the solution to our problem, the Enterprise is the second third of any exchange and the application between sets is realized.

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