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L.D.R      The organization of one output requested

An important remark through this simplistic example :

Whatever the complexity of the problem to be solved in a hierarchical diagram, all will be solved by means of two elementary structures :

- The so-called "repetitive" structure ie a set present (n times)
- The so-called "alternative" structure, ie a set present (0-1 times)

We shall see later the use of these two simple structures in complex structures (which they have only the name moreover !)

Let's move on to the second step of organizing the data of an Ouput Requested.

2 °) The presentation of the output data on their support.

It is of course necessary to set up the data on their support (paper, screen, file, others .....) and therefore to propose what one could call the state model. That being said, we will not dwell on this subject, everyone will have understood what needs to be done.

A little anecdote in passing, I have sometimes heard this reflection "Yes but all that, is old, in the 70s interactive outputs on screen did not exist, we were still handling punched cards ! Not with GUI, the software was not oriented "Objects" internet did not exist, we still printed lists ... Etc ... Etc ...! ", To which I answer, do not confuse  the substance and form, the logic of reasoning which consists in using an analytical approach to discover the data that one wishes to obtain, and the use of mathematics to organize them (hierarchical diagram). it's the heart of the probleme !, to determine the location of this data on any medium, this is the form ! (Which evolves every day) ".

And now the last step,

3 °) The table of calculations, conditions and external movements.

The object of this last step is to determine the calculations to be set up, the conditions (Subset present 0-1 times) and finally what are the External Movements (no panic on the word "EM"). These data will become "Primary Data" in the system, but will be seen later) necessary to obtain the output data. Here is the cross-table corresponding to our small example :

Your futur Database

Without wanting to insist heavily, realize, that thanks to this table we get the contents of the database of our system, as well as all the calculation algorithms for our programs ! Even still now I fall on the buttocks .....

we had enough fun, we'll move on to something more serious !....

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