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L.C.S              organizing data in a computer system

I would like to stress a point before starting this subject,obviously you will say me, but  you have to understand that:

Any dataset is only the image of an object of the real world.
(Object taken in the literal sense of the term)

In computer science we only deal with images on objects of the real world and not the objects themselves.
This is very important, we will store in our system only the image we want on an object, in other words only the necessary data will be stored.

This famous painting by Magritte perfectly sums up our discourse.

this is not a pipe

Starting Axiom:

The data set of the computer system must be the image of the company's activity taken as a repository.

Consequently :

here is the definition (in understanding) of company data set :

This set includes the data concerning : the company itself, the third parties in relation to it, the exchanges of third parties with the company, and the object of these exchanges.

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